Sunday, January 27, 2013

Organize Now 12-week Challenge Week 3, Part 2

As I thought would happen, returning to work slowed my organizing roll down considerably. I was, however, able to get my bedroom closet mission nearly finished. I moved a set of shelving in to hold my bins of goodies (science table stuff, sentence strips, and such) which I had already sorted through at the beginning of the school year and divided up by month. Here's how that looks:
The odd box labeled "small toys" doesn't actually belong with this stuff, but I didn't have time to deal with it just now. That will be part of the Organize your Memorabilia mission that will come up in a few weeks.
My hubby had put up an additional closet rod a while back for me to use for storing my posters and bulletin board supplies. Storing them flat was a pain, so this seems like a much better option. And, like flipping through the clothes in your closet, I can slide the hangers to find what I need. The end result:

This left just enough room to get my small bookcase in here for all my books. This still needs some serious organizing, but at this point is at least broken up into 2 categories: teacher books (how-to type) and children's books (the type we actually read to the children). Ultimately I would like to sort the children's books by subject and put them in order by month like I have with other items. 

The closet ends up being quite full, but I can still get to everything easily so it should work out well. 

Moving all of my work stuff to this closet and the craft closet mission that I did have provided two bonuses for the over-all organizing of the house:
  1. I ended up with an empty cabinet which has been moved upstairs to hold linens - which freed up an whole dresser and part of another. The empty one left the house today!
  2. Removing craft items and work items from the "office" opened up space for that the become the hubby's "man cave". This means no more projects hanging out in the living room!!
Next week's mission is organizing our routines. I've been happy up to this point working from the first edition of Jennifer Ford Berry's Organize Now!, but this section does not exist in my edition. I am torn! There's plenty of information to be found on the Internet about setting up morning and evening routines, developing your menus, and organizing your shopping... But I would really like to find out what Jennifer has to say on the matter. We'll see...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow Day Organizing Mission

Whoot! I got a snow day today!! And Z2 did not! The boiler could not manage to get the house up to temperature today with the sub-zero wind chill, so I had two choices: stay in bed under the covers and waste a day, or keep my self moving to stay warm and get something done. The progress I've made the last few days has me motivated to keep moving, so I went with option two. 

 As I said yesterday, I had this dream of a craft closet developing as I worked on the bedroom closet. I had pulled a lot of craft items out of the bedroom closet that there really wasn't anywhere to put. Rather than trip over it for however long it took to find someplace to put it or risk having it end up back in the bedroom closet, I thought I should take a stab at that new craft closet while I was child-free. This is what I started with:

This closet held everything from office supplies to craft supplies to DMX cables (it's a musician thing). I figured my best bet was to empty the closet out completely. I sorted as I went, making a pile to donate as well as piles of each category of item that I found. A few things were able to go to a new home immediately, like the games on the top shelf that have a cabinet they belong in. Once it was empty, I moved the cube shelves that used to hold some of my work goodies into the closet.
A blank canvas is a beautiful thing! 

The next four and a half hours were spent digging out, sorting out, and figuring out just how to arrange it all. The end result amazed me!
It's so nice to have everything grouped together. My next crafting mission will be so much easier! I am sure that I've still got some odd things floating around the house, but there is still room to add things. I even have a few extra bins tucked in here just in case. There are a few things I am rather proud of figuring out here.
These paddle punches are awesome, but storing them has always been a pain. I love that they fit along the edge of the shelves like this!

 I can't be the first person to come up with this, but I have not seen it posted anywhere so I thought I would share. This is a Little Carry All from Thirty-One. (I am addicted to their products!) I discovered that four plastic frozen juice concentrate containers fit perfectly inside of these. So handy!

Dreams can come true!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Organize Now 12-week Challenge Week 3, Part 1

This week we are diving into our bedroom closets. Last night before bed I started doing a little research on what other organizing gurus say on the subject. Then I read what Jennifer suggests. Then I looked at pictures of other people's closets. Then I went and looked at mine. Oh boy...

This morning when I woke up, that darned closet was still on my mind. It's bad... Really, really bad... A huge part of the problem (aside from the obvious packrat habits of this household) is the total lack of storage space in this house. It's a very old house. I mean pre-plumbing, pre-heating, pre-closet old. Most people these days complain about the closets in their homes being too small. Mine are nonexistant. Once upon time, people didn't have enough clothing to warrant a closet. They had a wardrobe, and it held everything they owned.

I also do not have a functional attic or basement. There's no garage. So, we have to fit it all in the house with the day-to-day stuff... And there are exactly 4 closets to try to contain everything. Two closets are downstairs - one in the entryway for coats and such; one in the dining room for... I'm really not sure what they would intend such a closet for; perhaps linens? There is a closet in the upstairs hallway, which is used for storing holiday stuff. The final closet is in my bedroom. I have clothes in it along with a whole lot of there-is-nowhere-to-put-it stuff.

When it comes to organizing the closet, the clothes aren't the challenging part. It's the rest that is going to be tough. So, this is what I started with this morning:
Most organizing pros tell you to take everything out of the closet first. They may suggest you sort it into piles as you do so. Jennifer Ford Berry takes a different approach in her book Organize Now, suggesting instead that you purge first. You'll create two piles (I went straight to the black bags with my stuff), one for donating and one for trash. I like the purge first idea because I can just imagine (especially with other things happening today) pulling everything out of the closet and still having half of it sitting in the bedroom at bedtime. 

I figured we should start with clothes first. So, I sent the hubby in to deal with his things. I thought it would take him a bit to sift through his stuff, but he was done in less than 5 minutes. Drat! Procrastinating options all used up, I jumped in and in about 20 minutes had the clothes down to just this much:
I was ruthless! It felt great!!! A whole lot of deliberating followed at this point. This closet still has to do double duty - clothing and storage. There's just no way around it. In the interest of making as much progress in the house as a whole, DH and I agreed that everything stored above the clothes bars stays for now. It doesn't belong anywhere else in the house and agonizing over it could become too time consuming. Focusing on the floor and such we found lots to purge and sorted the rest. Then a decision was made that the now available storage space will be used for my work stuff, which now takes up space in 4 rooms. Getting it all into one location will be wonderful. 

In order to make the most of the available space, I decided to move all the clothes over with the sweater holders. Jennifer Ford Berry has a video on her site with some tips for closet organizing. One thing she suggests is using all the same hangers. It gives a nice uniform look to the closet rod. She suggests some really cool hangers that I would love to have, but not right now. I sorted through and found as many of the same hangers as possible and was at least able to find enough white to do the job, not all exactly the same but close enough. (I had to keep a few really heavy things on different hangers.) The end result:

I guess I should have straightened the sweaters before I took pictures :)

All the extra hangers went into a box and got donated. Craft- type stuff that was hanging out in here got moved downstairs. The big dream is to turn the dining room closet into a craft closet. For now it will go onto the shelves in the office that have been holding some of my work stuff.

Getting the shelves and all my work goodies in here is going to take some time. I'll work at it little by little over the next few days.

Thoughts on the Organize Now Challenge

Even though it's only day three for me, it's time to start week three of Jennifer Ford Berry's Organize Now 12 Week Challenge. So far in the challenge we have organized our schedule and our kitchen cupboards. I've found myself wondering how Jennifer chose the particular weeks from her book that she did. (If you don't know, the challenge is based on the book Organize Now, a Week-by-Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life, has a full year worth of organization tips broken down by areas of your home and life.) 

Whenever I set out on that mission to clean the house, I start with the most used rooms and... Ooooh, never get to certain areas of the house... And don't think about some things until I need them... See, this is why she is the professional! The thought also entered my mind that when she uses the word 'organize', she probably is talking about starting out with the early stages of an episode of hoarders - although the principles do still work under the worst of conditions and one week may not be enough for a given area. 

So, here's the logic I have come up with for following along with the challenge:

  • Week 1:   Organize Your Schedule
    • This one is pretty obvious. How can we be organized in any other area of our life if we are running around late for appointments and forgetting things we need. Consciously thinking about when we need to be somewhere ahead of time gives us the chance to think ahead about what we need to take with us, what we may need to purchase (gifts, cards, etc.), needing to leave early enough to have time to get gas, and so on. 
    • Once you have this tackled, it opens the door for things to fall into place in other areas of your life and your home.
Similarly, I think the other weeks help us to set things up to get other areas of our living running more smoothly:
  • Week 2:   Organize Your Kitchen Cupboards
    • When the cupboards are organized - everything has a home and everything in its place - cooking becomes less of a challenge (you can find everything you need) and putting away the dishes is quicker and easier (you know just where to put things and can get it there easily).
  • Week 3:   Organize Your Bedroom Closet
    • Like the cupboards, and organized closet helps us dress faster and put away laundry with ease. 
I think the next two weeks of the challenge are among the most important when it comes to keeping ourselves organized after the challenge:
  • Week 4:   Organize Your Routines (weeks 53 & 54 in book)
    • I'm using the first edition of the book, in which this week comes much earlier. Like FlyLady, I think this is probably the most important thing you can do. When you have well-structured routines, you can move through your day without having to really think about what comes next. I work in a preschool classroom, and following our routine everyday helps the children thrive. They always know what part of the day will come next and exactly what they need to do at that time. Grown-ups benefit greatly from this kind of structure as well - especially those who buck against the idea.
  • Week 5:   Organize Your Papers/Files
    • I think even the most organized people in the world have to work to keep up with the constant influx of paper into our homes. If you have children in school, it's 10x worse. (I seriously think they're training them all to be secretaries pushing paper!) Getting what we already have under control and then having a plan to keep it that way will help save our coffee tables, dining tables, desks, etc. from the piles of paper that tend to happen.
  • Week 6:   Organize Your Pantry
    • Menu planning, grocery shopping, and putting groceries away all become simplified  when the pantry is tidy. 
    • I don't have an actual pantry, but I have some shelves in the 'back room' that house all of my stockpiled items. This room is also home to the laundry, tool boxes, and everything people with a 'real' house would keep in the garage. The plan for me is to tackle the whole room during this week. (shudder!)
  • Week 7:   Organize Your Entryway
    • This area tends to become a dumping ground for whatever we happen to be carrying when we enter the house. It's also the first thing people see when they enter our homes. With so much organizing done behind the scenes, this seems like a perfect time to do something in a room that will greet us every time we come home. I can't wait for this one! (I have four weeks to find a new home for the dog's crate!)
  • Week 8:   Organize Your Memorabilia
    • I had to go to the book for some clarification on this what. Memorabilia is such a broad category and, if you're like me, it infects many areas of your home. If we are going to simplify our homes and our lives, we will definitely need to get this under control.
    • I am going to keep an eye out over the next few weeks for those hidden bits of memorabilia throughout the house and make note of them. That way when this week arrives, I will know what I need to tackle and will have had time to think about what I may need to part with ahead of time. We get very emotionally attached to our memorabilia, so this can be a very challenging task.
  • Week 9:   Organize Your Medicine Cabinet
    • At the beginning of this chapter Jennifer says, "Medicine cabinets are usually small, so this won't take long." If I stick with just the medicine cabinet, she's right! Ours is so small, we hardly have anything in there. All of our actual medicine is kept in the kitchen because the cabinet won't hold them and our bathroom is so tiny that the heat and moisture would be a problem. Our first aid supplies are in a different cabinet in the bathroom - which I will definitely address during this week along with the other storage spaces in the bathroom.
    • As far as why this task makes the top 12 list for the challenge, having your medicine in order helps those daily routines run smoothly. Medicines for crisis situations (fever, upset stomach, etc.) as well as first aid supplies well organized and easily accessible will make those difficult moments in life so much easier to handle.
  • Week 10: Organize Your Refrigerator
    • Here's a task that will make meal prep so much easier. Planning your grocery shopping will whole lot easier as well. It seems like this should be a quick and simple task, but if you head over to Pintrest and search "organized fridge" it gives you a whole new perspective of what your refrigerator could look like. I think I may need to take some measurements in advance and start looking for baskets!
  • Week 11: Organize Your Books, CDs and DVDs
    • For some folks, this will be an easy week. For others, this is a huge undertaking. A quick tally of where we have books and this will mean diving into five rooms for me! Obviously, finishing a mission like this can have a huge overall effect on my house. Gathering up all the DVDs in one place will also impact several rooms.I don't want to talk about CDs... Let it suffice to say that this is another project that will have a wide impact.
And the final challenge week...
  • Week 12: Organize Your Home Office
    • After already taking on the paper & files challenge, as well as the books challenge, I bet for most folks this gets a lot easier. Though it all depends on what qualifies as your office and just what kind of business you are doing there. 
    • I think putting this project at the end of the challenge paves the way for the other main traffic areas of our hour. At this point, you should have most of the 'behind the scenes' stuff under control, so taking on the big rooms should be a whole lot easier. I also think that by now the progress made during the other challenge weeks will be starting to have a positive impact throughout our houses. (I'm already noticing family members being more conscious of where they put things.) We will also have a new way of looking at our belongings that will make it easier to let go of what we don't need and streamline what we do.
I hope I've inspired at least a few folks to jump in on this challenge. Please leave me a comment and let me know you were here!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Organize Now 12 Week Challenge Week 2, Part 2

Phew! I finished up most of the cupboards today. Well, I finished the cupboards I had started yesterday, anyway. The cupboard above my microwave (where I keep oils and sprays), the spice cupboard, and the drinking glass cupboard didn't get touched. But all the rest are done. It's a good thing, too, because I realized today that I am not ahead of the game with the Organize Now 12 Week challenge. I've finished just in time for the gals to start the next week. So, here are some pics of my finished cupboards:
I will probably get one of those racks to help hold the baking pans upright to go in here. I actually have one, but it didn't fit in this cupboard so I put it to use elsewhere. The dark blur on the left, BTW, is our dog Vega. She was so curious about what was going on and couldn't keep her nose out of the cupboards. Long after I took this picture, I tucked the box of parchment paper that I found in another cupboard in the corner of this one. To me it makes sense to have it right here with the baking sheets.
The microwave covers on the bottom left will not be staying here. For the moment they are designating the space where my stoneware bowls are going to go. The hubby agrees that I have earned them after this project :)
My oven mitts are going to hang inside this cabinet as soon as I get some more command strips.

This is now our breakfast cupboard (except of the Crisco that just won't fit in the baking cupboard). The rectangular bin make come back out now that Z2 has announced he doesn't like cereal bars anymore.

The new baking cupboard, which also holds rice and pasta. I spent at least half an hour trying to figure out how to get all the canisters in here. I finally resigned to tucking a couple ovals in behind the squares - it's stuff that doesn't get used as much anyway - and laying a few on their side. Down the road I may need to switch out some of the canisters, but I just can't fund new Tupperware right now. (Especially since part of this project was to PURGE some of the Tupperware!)

This cabinet is right next to the fridge, so it seemed a logical place for the pitchers. It's also right under the counter where we use the toaster, so in it went. There was room on the shelf for the wraps, so the holder for them went under the sink instead. The yellow bin will hold potatoes once I buy some, and the white basket is for bread.

This could still be a bit better, but at least I know where the lids are for everything. I have a dishpan that I tossed all the extra lids and some odd containers into. I will allow it to hang out for 1 year just in case I find I need one of those containers or something shows up that one of those lids goes to. After a year anything that I haven't retrieved can go. 

This cupboard got moved in the midst of the project. In its new location I can't get a pic of the whole thing at once. I was able to move items from my stockpile into the new food cupboard, which was nice because I discovered things I'd forgotten we had!

I didn't get a before shot of this cabinet, but I am sure you can imagine after seeing the rest of the cupboards. This one got moved as well so that it is easier to access than it used to be. 

After all that work on the cupboards, I couldn't leave the counters a disaster. 
Yes, there is actually a counter under there!
A lot of things found their way into cabinets as I worked. Other things found their way to the rooms they belong in. Once it was finally cleared off and clean, I really wanted to make it look special. So, I dug out the wine rack that we bought two years ago and...

Love it! 

I didn't get to tackle any of the drawers, so I'll chip at them bit-by-bit down the road along with the couple of cupboards I didn't get to.

If you would like to see how the bloggers that are doing the challenge tackled their kitchens, there are links to their posts on Jennifer Ford Berry's website here. For specifics on the 12 week challenge that Jennifer issued, click here. If you are trying to get your house organized, I highly recommend Jennifer's book Organize Now, A Week-by-Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life

Next week we face the bedroom closet... 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Organize Now 12 Week Challenge Week 2, Part 1

Although the second week of Jennifer Ford Berry's Organize Now 12-Week Challenge doesn't start until tomorrow, I got a start today on organizing my kitchen cupboards. It's a big project... A VERY big project. And I know that I won't have time enough to work through everything during the coming week. So, my plan is to do as much as I can over the weekend and then finish things up as I can during the week. 

I can't believe I am about to share, but I guess my kitchen cupboards are among the least embarrassing parts of my house. So, here's what I started with:
The medicine cupboard.

This one isn't too bad, but it could be better.

Hey! There's the salad spinner!

I know that organizing the pantry comes in a few weeks, but I don't have a separate pantry and to pull off what I have in mind these cupboards need to be dealt with now.

Wow... How does it get to this point? There's actually several factors at play here:
  • I have an obsession with Tupperware. I have 3 Jell-O molds. I've used one of them once. But, it's Tupperware so I have to have it. Or, at least I think I do. 
  • I have three kitchen's worth of stuff crammed into one far-too-small kitchen. When I moved into my mother's house, all of her kitchen goodies were here. I, of course, brought all of my goodies from my previous house. (Which had a crazy amount of cupboard space that I filled to the brim.) Then my hubby moved in and brought more kitchen stuff. 
  • I let myself feel guilt about letting go of things that came from someone else. 
  • I suffer terribly from I-might-need-it-someday syndrome. I also have a touch of I'll-use-it-soon-itis. 
  • When noone is sure where something goes, or getting something where it belongs is a challenge, or something gets put in the wrong place so the item that belongs there can't be put where it goes, things don't get put away properly.
I'm sure there are more reasons for the state of disarray in my cupboards, but the real point here is when there is too much stuff for the space you have it is impossible to keep it organized. When I read the chapter "Organize the Kitchen Cupboards" in Organize Now, I underlined this: "Be realistic about what you really use on a regular basis and move or toss the rest." So, some stuff has got to go! (Jennifer lists some specific things to consider tossing/donating as well as some tips regarding how and where to store certain items in this chapter that are a must read!)

So far I've about 4 medium boxes of items to pass along to my brother and his fiance, another 3 or 4 boxes to be donated, and filled a black trash bag and a tall kitchen bag. It looked like my cupboards vomited all over the kitchen and dining room for a while, but as things got sorted into piles to leave or went into a cupboard it is getting better. Tomorrow I will be able to move the piles to the vehicle to be distributed on Monday and that will help a lot. 

A few cupboards are finished enough to share at this point. Here's the medicine cupboard:
I still need to make some labels, but the 3 blue bins are adult pain relievers, allergy meds, and supplements. The clear bin is all the children's meds. With everything sorted and all the outdated items tossed, I had a completely empty shelf. So, I moved the dog treats and meds that sat on the counter right below this cupboard into the cupboard - huge bonus! This is a big improvement, but I still think it could be better. Down the road I may purchase some containers with lids to replace the bins or to put the dog treats in. But for now I want to see how much I can do without spending much.

Here's the new and improved dish cupboard:
Since I took this, I discovered I have a sifter. So, I put that up there next to the measuring cups. My stove and microwave are to the left of this cupboard. I usually dish up dinner right at the stove and take the plates to wherever we are eating. (Usually the living room, but I am pretty sure there is a table in the dining room that we should be eating at again soon.) Having the plates on the left side of the cupboard was a pain - with limited counter space I take out one plate at a time, dish it up, and sent it on its way. That cupboard door was either in my face or had to be opened and closed for every plate. It seemed logical to move them to the other side of the cupboard to eliminate that annoyance. 
There's a lot less stuff in this cupboard now. I've decided I can live without the giant Tupperware measuring cups; I only need one Shake N' Pour, one set of measuring cups, and one of those things for measuring peanut butter and Crisco. Once upon a time I baked a lot more and doubles made sense. That's no longer the case.

Several of the other cupboards are nearly finished. I don't want to jump the gun on posting pics until I'm sure. I started burning out a bit, so I want to look at them again with fresh eyes and be sure I'm not overlooking anything. Besides, I have to leave something besides the under-the-sink cupboard for later in the week! ;)

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Organize Now 12 Week Challenge

As part of the gearing-up-to-get-organized process I've been engaged in, I pulled out some of the tools I've picked up along the way when trying to get organized. Last summer I spotted Jennifer Ford Berry's Organize Now! on the rack at my local Michael's store and fell in love with the cover so, of course, I bought it. I read it for a few nights and thought it was just wonderful, but never got as far as putting any of it into practice. The other night I spotted it on my nightstand and pulled it out to add to the pile of helpers. I read some of the sections again and thought, "This will be mighty helpful. I just have to figure out where to start."

With most projects, I have no problem figuring out where to start. I can look at the end goal and logically think through all the steps required to get there and just where to start. BUT, getting organized has just never been so simple. Even with this fabulous little book in my hands telling me just how to get there - all the steps I need to take broken down into a week-by-week format - I didn't know where to start. My problem being the idea that I don't want it to take 40 weeks to get there. (The book actually has a full year of week-by-week tips, but some don't apply for me and others only apply to special circumstances.) At the very least, I knew I wanted to see progress in some areas of my home much sooner than I would if I started with week 1 and worked through the book in order. So, I would need to come up with an action plan of my own... (Yes, I was definitely finding ways to procrastinate and getting hung up over something silly, but it is what it is.)

So, I decided to Google the author and see if she maybe offers a quick-and-dirty-crash-course in organization. I didn't know that January is National Organizing Month. It turns out that in recognition of that, Jennifer Ford Berry has started a 12 week Organize Now Challenge. She selected 12 chapters from her book to kick-start the organization process. Five wonderful ladies have been selected to blog about their progress on the challenge each week. I'm not one of those ladies, but I've decided to jump in with them. It's always easier and more fun to do something when you're not doing it alone. The plan for the challenge is:
Week 1:   Organize Your Schedule
Week 2:   Organize Your Kitchen Cupboards
Week 3:   Organize Your Bedroom Closet
Week 4:   Organize Your Routines (weeks 53 & 54 in book)
Week 5:   Organize Your Papers/Files
Week 6:   Organize Your Pantry
Week 7:   Organize Your Entryway
Week 8:   Organize Your Memorabilia
Week 9:   Organize Your Medicine Cabinet
Week 10: Organize Your Refrigerator
Week 11: Organize Your Books, CDs and DVDs
Week 12: Organize Your Home Office

I'm only a week behind here, and not really all that far behind. As part of organizing your schedule, Jennifer recommends buying one planner to use for both home and work. Separate planners leaves you open to confusion and overlapped appointments. I purchased a small planner back in December and sat down just before the new year and put everything I could into it - birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, etc. 

Jennifer suggests gathering all of your To Do lists, sticky notes, scraps of paper, and so on and combining them into a single list in your planner. My planner doesn't have a good place for this (there's room for daily to-dos, but not for the long-term running list I always have) so, rather go shop for another planner, I have attached my planner to a pad-folio with a couple Smash bands so that they open in opposite directions. (I should probably get some pics to post.) This way I can keep running lists, have a place for brain-dumping, and jot down whatever, whenever, wherever. I take this with me wherever I go, including upstairs when I head to bed (Jenn recommends keeping a small notebook by your bed for when you lie awake thinking of all the things you need to do) so I always have access to it.

So, I already have week 1 underway. Keeping your schedule organized is, obviously, an on-going task. I will need to refer back to this chapter regularly to stay on top of it and complete the tasks I have not yet addressed. The Challenge also doesn't address some areas of HUGE concern for me (living room, dining room, kids' rooms...), but I expect that stepping up to the Challenge will help me find the motivation/determination to develop my own plan for tackling the rest of the house.

Up next is the kitchen cupboards. Oh boy...

In the beginning...

I am sure it says something about me that it took me an hour just to come up with a blog name. More than that, that nothing else could get done until I had come up with a name. I could have worked on one of the many other projects I need to tackle and waited for inspiration to strike, but what a great excuse to procrastinate!
But, now there is a name (strange as it may be) and my blogging adventure can begin.
Coffee... Cobwebs... Two things that are plentiful in my life. One I love; one I hate. I am sure I don't need to distinguish between the two. And, as I have in so many prior years, I've resolved to eliminate the cobwebs in 2013 and find more time to relax and enjoy my coffee. Of course, if I'm completely honest with myself, there are plenty of times where I could spend less time relaxing and enjoying my coffee and find some motivation to tackle the cobwebs. ('Cobwebs' could easily be replaced with a plethora of other household-related tasks.)
I know I'm not the only one who has entered the new year with the same goal in mind. I also know I'm not the only one who has fallen into the same cycle of getting off to a great start, restarting at some point in the year, and starting yet another year without having reached that goal. I wish I could afford to higher someone to tackle the job for me, but that won't happen. I can't afford to purchase new shelving and gadgets and such to try to make it happen either. So, the challenge feels huge. But, I'm going to give it a go just the same!
I've been all over the World Wide Web looking for inspiration and ideas. I have pulled out all my go-to guides from the past. I will be posting about my finds, my successes, my failures, and anything else that inspires me along the way.