Sunday, January 20, 2013

Organize Now 12 Week Challenge Week 2, Part 2

Phew! I finished up most of the cupboards today. Well, I finished the cupboards I had started yesterday, anyway. The cupboard above my microwave (where I keep oils and sprays), the spice cupboard, and the drinking glass cupboard didn't get touched. But all the rest are done. It's a good thing, too, because I realized today that I am not ahead of the game with the Organize Now 12 Week challenge. I've finished just in time for the gals to start the next week. So, here are some pics of my finished cupboards:
I will probably get one of those racks to help hold the baking pans upright to go in here. I actually have one, but it didn't fit in this cupboard so I put it to use elsewhere. The dark blur on the left, BTW, is our dog Vega. She was so curious about what was going on and couldn't keep her nose out of the cupboards. Long after I took this picture, I tucked the box of parchment paper that I found in another cupboard in the corner of this one. To me it makes sense to have it right here with the baking sheets.
The microwave covers on the bottom left will not be staying here. For the moment they are designating the space where my stoneware bowls are going to go. The hubby agrees that I have earned them after this project :)
My oven mitts are going to hang inside this cabinet as soon as I get some more command strips.

This is now our breakfast cupboard (except of the Crisco that just won't fit in the baking cupboard). The rectangular bin make come back out now that Z2 has announced he doesn't like cereal bars anymore.

The new baking cupboard, which also holds rice and pasta. I spent at least half an hour trying to figure out how to get all the canisters in here. I finally resigned to tucking a couple ovals in behind the squares - it's stuff that doesn't get used as much anyway - and laying a few on their side. Down the road I may need to switch out some of the canisters, but I just can't fund new Tupperware right now. (Especially since part of this project was to PURGE some of the Tupperware!)

This cabinet is right next to the fridge, so it seemed a logical place for the pitchers. It's also right under the counter where we use the toaster, so in it went. There was room on the shelf for the wraps, so the holder for them went under the sink instead. The yellow bin will hold potatoes once I buy some, and the white basket is for bread.

This could still be a bit better, but at least I know where the lids are for everything. I have a dishpan that I tossed all the extra lids and some odd containers into. I will allow it to hang out for 1 year just in case I find I need one of those containers or something shows up that one of those lids goes to. After a year anything that I haven't retrieved can go. 

This cupboard got moved in the midst of the project. In its new location I can't get a pic of the whole thing at once. I was able to move items from my stockpile into the new food cupboard, which was nice because I discovered things I'd forgotten we had!

I didn't get a before shot of this cabinet, but I am sure you can imagine after seeing the rest of the cupboards. This one got moved as well so that it is easier to access than it used to be. 

After all that work on the cupboards, I couldn't leave the counters a disaster. 
Yes, there is actually a counter under there!
A lot of things found their way into cabinets as I worked. Other things found their way to the rooms they belong in. Once it was finally cleared off and clean, I really wanted to make it look special. So, I dug out the wine rack that we bought two years ago and...

Love it! 

I didn't get to tackle any of the drawers, so I'll chip at them bit-by-bit down the road along with the couple of cupboards I didn't get to.

If you would like to see how the bloggers that are doing the challenge tackled their kitchens, there are links to their posts on Jennifer Ford Berry's website here. For specifics on the 12 week challenge that Jennifer issued, click here. If you are trying to get your house organized, I highly recommend Jennifer's book Organize Now, A Week-by-Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life

Next week we face the bedroom closet... 

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