Friday, January 18, 2013

In the beginning...

I am sure it says something about me that it took me an hour just to come up with a blog name. More than that, that nothing else could get done until I had come up with a name. I could have worked on one of the many other projects I need to tackle and waited for inspiration to strike, but what a great excuse to procrastinate!
But, now there is a name (strange as it may be) and my blogging adventure can begin.
Coffee... Cobwebs... Two things that are plentiful in my life. One I love; one I hate. I am sure I don't need to distinguish between the two. And, as I have in so many prior years, I've resolved to eliminate the cobwebs in 2013 and find more time to relax and enjoy my coffee. Of course, if I'm completely honest with myself, there are plenty of times where I could spend less time relaxing and enjoying my coffee and find some motivation to tackle the cobwebs. ('Cobwebs' could easily be replaced with a plethora of other household-related tasks.)
I know I'm not the only one who has entered the new year with the same goal in mind. I also know I'm not the only one who has fallen into the same cycle of getting off to a great start, restarting at some point in the year, and starting yet another year without having reached that goal. I wish I could afford to higher someone to tackle the job for me, but that won't happen. I can't afford to purchase new shelving and gadgets and such to try to make it happen either. So, the challenge feels huge. But, I'm going to give it a go just the same!
I've been all over the World Wide Web looking for inspiration and ideas. I have pulled out all my go-to guides from the past. I will be posting about my finds, my successes, my failures, and anything else that inspires me along the way.

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